
Procrastination is an abomination!

Procrastination, is the thing that takes over you and causes hesitation.

Procrastination is like waiting at the station but not boarding the train to your final destination.

…but I won’t forget to mention, how it creates so much tension and immense deep rooted self-frustration.

You allow all of distraction to prevent you from taking action.

Tomorrow is a new day we say.

Constant self reminders, however, day by day it’s all left behind us.

…and before you know it… it’s been 7 days and before you know it… it’s been 8 weeks and before you know it… it’s been 9 months and before you know it….. nothings changed…

So if there needs to be a change, then make a change!

So I changed from being negative to a mental state of positive and when I became positive it made me more proactive and when I became proactive it made me feel more reactive and when I felt more reactive I began to feel more active and when I felt more active….

…Everything is more seamless and the possibilities are simply endless…

Procrastination is an abomination!

💛 Mummanopoly 💋

Mum on the Blog!

Hello my lovelies,

I have been missing in action for a moment…

It’s been a great ordeal with my children’s father since we separated in 2015 to finalise our extensive court order surrounding contact arrangements.

It’s taken a little over 18 months to have it all final and written in stone about how future contact arrangements shall be.

Initially I struggled with the thought of being away from my children and not being there to witness some key moments in their lives as I have always been there and able to.

This weekend however, really heightened the reality of how life will be going forward, co-parenting and not having the children on all weekends etc.

So I told myself, Let’s NOT get caught up in the feelings, and who wants to live there anyway? There’s no happiness where negative thoughts and feelings reside.

….And then I thought to myself… GIIIIIRL! You just need to take this opportunity to remember who you are when the mummy hat is removed and embrace every moment!

I completely changed my perception on things, because that’s what it really boils down to at the end of the day, our perception.

Our perception about things in life can make or break us and we need to be really in-tune with our thoughts which in turn will have a huge impact on our feelings.

I realised that actually, lets flip the script here… I can really use this time to recharge and be fresh and rejuvenated for when the kids are back with me and do the things I once loved before being a mother:- such as singing, song writing, dancing, reading, long baths, drawing and the list goes on.


Here’s to self love and self care. 💕

Look out for my pending blog on Self Love and Self Care actually… it’s just baking…

You can check out my instagram Here too, which I have not long created, so would be lovely to see some of you there… pop over and say Heeey 👋🏾!

Mummanopoly 💋

H, I,J,K,L,M, NO – Me!

Say NO Confidently and 10 Reminders Why.

NO is just two letters right;- N and then O just joint in matrimony and they live comfortably together in the alphabet without any effort at all, but boooooy is it a meaty word! Or we think it is…

Why do so many of us struggle to say No, just simply No?

I, for sure do. In fact, I often find myself sacrificing what I want to do simply because the mere word ‘No’ struggles to pass my lips, and it just takes a comfortable seat in the back of my mouth whilst I make way to please friends, co-workers, family members even strangers at times to the point where I actually begin to resent them because of my own incapability of going with what I want to do. However, have you noticed that we often say Yes to the things that are more detrimental to us than if we were to say no.

We must remember we are not here to live our lives for others. My life is for me and your life is for you, Right? Therefore, I should be in charge of my yes or no! Ha! If only it were that simple ay!

For me, being a mum has definitely been a fast-track for my friendship with the word No and I have come a long way, but I can’t lie and you should own up too… Haven’t the kids come in handy for the Deputy No moments? whilst we don’t actually say No, Deputy No steps in and we seem to find so many excuses for the reason why;- we can’t fulfil the social gathering which we never really wanted to go to in the first place but we somehow agreed to; to seem as though we would love to come but then we decide to cancel the day before, ‘due to an ‘unforeseen emergency’ (instead of saying No politely) or we can’t have Mary’s daughter sleep over for the weekend because your dog has got a vet appointment, (instead of saying No politely) and your sister wants you to do a favour and pick up the cake 3 miles away from home during rush hour for the party – I’ll leave that for you to caption…. (instead of saying No politely). These requests can be time consuming and may get in the way of something you have already planned or you’re just tired and simply can’t be asked.

“No” is sometimes the hardest word to say, yet It’s also the most necessary at times.

Ive heard myself saying yes to the wrong things and I’m sure you have too.

No has a bad reputation because if you say “No” you can be perceived as negative, rude or not diplomatic.

Here are 10 reminders why we should say No when necessary and confidently

  1. No one knows us better than ourselves.
  2. Because if we keep saying yes it can leave us feeling emotionally, physically and mentally depleted and what good are we at that stage anyway.
  3. Because you don’t want to suffer from a well known condition called the Disease to Please, where it becomes auto pilot to say yes before even considering the impact it may have on ourselves.
  4. Because you need to take some of your power back, be in control and live the life best for you (not them).
  5. Set boundaries and you will be surprised at the respect you receive from others.
  6. It will set you free.
  7. Demonstrates to others the commitment to yourself and what you value, because your needs are also important to you.
  8. Because you have an owed responsibility to yourself. Why sacrifice your happiness?
  9. Because you are mature.
  10. Because we must be productive in our own lives and in order to do this, we need to keep deposits of energy in our own banks.

Dare to begin…

Comment below if you have encountered an experience where the outcome of saying No was not so bad as you had anticipated.

Do you struggle to say No? Or have you struggled in the past to say No sometimes?

Look forward to hearing from you…

Subconscious Mind, do you nurture yours?

Here I am… my very first blog (looks around an empty room). I thought I’d start with something I’ve been working on which is my mind.

Our Minds Can Be A Wilderness, Nurture It!

Sometimes in life, all we have is hope and that’s really all we need, well, at least to start off with. It is important to have something to FOCUS on, to look forward to and to have a passion for in life, otherwise we will walk aimlessly in the wilderness. FOCUS on the word wilderness;- which is a dark, miserable, uncultivated, neglected, abandoned and an unhabitable place. Wow! that doesnt sound nice at all! But guess what, our Minds can be just like that, a neglected wilderness, if we do not nurture it. It’s so easy to just FOCUS on our external selves and neglect our inner self, the ‘engine’ which drives us.

As I am sure you know, a car is nothing without its engine or even if the engine is slightly damaged the external body of the car is no good with a faulty engine no matter how beautiful the external body is. It is so important to FOCUS on our minds, thoughts and views because they will be driving us around each day.

The Surface of Our Minds and The ‘Meh’ Feeling

The thing is, it’s not just the surface of our minds we need to FOCUS on, it is the subconscious mind. The thoughts you think you don’t think but you think subconsciously and if these are subconscious ‘negative’ thoughts, then they will certainly weigh you down.

You know that random feeling of unhappiness but you try to rattle your mind to think of why you are unhappy, dull or that ‘meh” feeling and at times there is simply nothing which stands out to make you feel this way.

Overcome Your Negative Subconscious

Trust me… there are ways to overcome your negative subconscious engine which is driving you each day but you need to FOCUS and stay determined. By doing this you need to start by clearing a bit of your mental wilderness and start gardening at your thoughts each day and weeding the negative thorns.

Our minds are very susceptible to our thoughts and we need to be conscious of this, to navigate it well in order for it to pour out effectively into our day to day lives by our actions and how we mean to go on.

How do you overcome your ‘meh’ feelings and are you even aware of them?

Have you cultivated a wilderness in your mind and are you gardening?

Stay tuned for my upcoming blog on 15 Things Mentally Strong People Do. 💕

…and I look forward to seeing your comments below.